Show Regulations

NFRS Show Regulations

Here are the NFRS Show Regulations, as ratified at the Annual General Meeting held in August 2023.

They are also available as a PDF Document (combined with the Rules/Constitution), a link for which can be found below.

Should you have any queries, please contact the General Show Secretary (

Note that show regulations regarding imported rats apply to all animals, whether new or established varieties.



  1. The EC shall have the power to accord the Society’s patronage or support to any show provided that:
    • A suitable classification is laid down.
    • Proper rules are laid down for the protection of exhibitors and the welfare of rats.
    • Entry fees and any prizes be approved by the GSS in consultation with the EC.
  2. Members must arrive at a show allowing themselves time for setting up, in order that stock may be tabled 15 minutes before the commencement of judging at the advertised time.

    Exceptionally, if the judge and show secretary are agreed, judging may be postponed for up to 30 minutes for a member who is unavoidably delayed. It would be usual for this decision to be reached only when the aforesaid member had made efforts, prior to their arrival, to inform the show secretary of the circumstances.

  3. It shall be the responsibility of the exhibitor to ensure that each rat is entered in the correct variety and age class (kittens minimum age eight weeks and under 14 weeks). Once judging has commenced no alteration will be allowed. In the case of inexperienced exhibitors, assistance will be given by the show secretary or show manager before the commencement of judging.
  4. Any member who owns wild Rattus norvegicus will be barred from showing or selling any stock under NFRS auspices until they have had the rats tested for Leptospira and received a negative result.
  5. All show stock should be in the possession of and owned by the exhibitor at the time of entry, and have resided within the common travel area of the British Isles for a minimum of three weeks.
    1. Kittens under the age of 6 weeks and nursing does shall not be brought to shows.
    2. No stock shall be offered for sale at NFRS shows or events. Private pre-booked arrangements will be brought to the notice of the show secretary prior to the day of the show.
  6. All entries are subject to the discretion of the officiating show secretary. All exhibitors, when they undertake to enter any show, agree to their animals being handled by any or all of the show staff including judge, sitters in, scribes, stewards, show secretary, show manager or any other person that the show staff deem fit.
  7. At shows held under the Society’s patronage, rats must be exhibited in either of the two recognised ‘standard’ plastic fish tanks which measure either 30.5cm x 20.5cm x 20.5cm or 35cm x 23cm x 20.5cm together with the recognised wire mesh sliding tops available through the Society. A limited number of show tanks, for the use particularly of juniors, may be available at any show at the agreed hire rate, subject to availability and at the discretion of the show secretary provided at least seven days’ notice is given. Exhibitors should provide their own substrate.

    To facilitate ease of judging and stewarding, only current pen number label(s) shall be visible.

    The show secretary/judge has the right to refuse permission for any rat to be tabled in a show tank, which in their opinion is in an unhygienic or unsafe condition. The decision of the show secretary/judge is final.

    The only marks of ownership allowed on a show tank shall be on its underside. Lids shall not be marked. No food bowls shall be placed in the show tank. Substrate used in tanks should be natural, brown or beige unscented substances – e.g. aspen, pale wood shavings, hemp, chopped/shredded card.

    Kittens can be shown in tanks containing white shredded paper as bedding in addition to the normal substrate.

  8. Exhibits may be provided with one small piece of apple, carrot or cucumber per animal as a source of moisture. A small quantity of dried food may also be placed in the tank. Individual water bottles must be provided for tented and warmer shows.
  9. Only one rat to be exhibited per show tank. Kittens may be exhibited in pairs provided that they are of distinctly differing varieties and are of the same sex.
  10. All venues are non-smoking in accordance with national law.
  11. The entry fee charged shall be a block entry for variety and pet classes. These fees shall be subject to review by the EC and shall be submitted for confirmation, with other rule changes, at the AGM. All entries must be paid for in full. If an exhibitor withdraws their entries after the listed entry close date and time, these entries must be paid for in full. These can be paid for in person at the show, or payment can be sent electronically or by cheque. Payment for show entries should be received within one week of the show date.
  12. Breeders qualified to register a stud name will have a separate section within the pet classes at any show, but are eligible to win the overall Best Pet award.
  13. Any mutation that the Society deems harmful to the health of the rat shall not be permitted within any class or event run under NFRS auspices.
  14. If a rat is disqualified at a show, for any reason, the owner or owner’s representative shall be informed on the critique on the day of the show. The show secretary on the day must send the duplicate copy to the Standards Officer within 7 days of the show, who shall keep it on file. If a rat dies or is discovered to have a potentially serious infectious disease at a show, then the owner is required to remove all their animals and take no further part in the show. The rat will not remain within the show hall but shall be removed to an area where other rats are not put at risk. If there is no suitable area, then the exhibitor can be asked to leave. The occurrence must be brought to the committee’s attention within 24 hours.
  15. Where any exhibitor has rats disqualified either for the presence of external visible parasites or ill- health, or showing of visually under-developed kittens, twice or more in any six month period, then all rats exhibited by that person must be inspected at the next three shows (at which NFRS stars are awarded) entered by that exhibitor before that person is allowed to compete. It is the judge’s discretion to disqualify if they feel kittens are under-developed and look to be under 8 weeks old. If either visible external parasites are found on any of the rats entered by the exhibitor, or they are ill, then all of that person’s exhibits must be withdrawn from the show. If all the exhibitor’s animals pass inspection for three consecutive inspections then no further inspections will be necessary and normal entry procedures will resume. If visible external parasites or ill-health or any kittens deemed to be visually under-developed are found during any inspection, then a further three consecutive inspections will be necessary.
  16. Inspections may take place at NFRS shows and affiliated club shows at the discretion of the affiliated club, the show secretary of the day and there being an NFRS judge available to do the inspection who is not the judge at that show in any section. The form sent with the breach letter to be returned to the Standards Officer on completion.

  17. Each rat exhibited will be given a written critique at the end of the show.
  18. A rat may be entered in both its relevant variety and pet class at the same show where the show is designated for such joint entry. An entry fee will be due for each class. The GSS will select shows from the calendar for joint variety/pet entry to be allowed.
  19. Fundraising that happens at any NFRS events or via the NFRS forum needs to be firstly approved by the NFRS committee and a receipt of payment of funds raised needs to be forwarded to the committee
  20. Show Secretary will be paid a set fee. Show secretaries can claim a set fee from the society for acting as show sec on the day. Payment will be made once all tasks have been completed.


  1. Judges are to be arranged at the discretion of the GSS but to be ratified by the EC.
  2. Judging expenses shall be paid by advance agreement between the judge and show secretary in liaison with the Hon. Treasurer.
  3. Judges may claim reasonable expenses from the show secretary for a meal and refreshments when judging all day shows


  1. To qualify for a place within the scheme, the prospective judge should have:
    • A minimum of one year’s membership and be a fully paid up member.
    • Demonstrated a willingness and commitment to the Society and its aims and objectives.
  2. Trainee Judge
  3. After having fulfilled the criteria in (a), the current training scheme as approved by the EC to be put into operation. The training scheme will be overseen and maintained by the Judges’ Training Co-ordinator.

  4. Show Judge
  5. In order to proceed to Show Judge status, trainee judges must provide documented evidence of having completed the first stage of the NFRS approved training which includes having stewarded at no fewer than six shows and sat in with Championship Judges at no fewer than six shows before being put forward for final assessment.

    Once they have reached the Sitting-in stage of their training the trainee must also take and pass all of the following tests; Varieties Assessment, Written Assessment, Judging Assessment.

    The Written and Varieties Assessments can be undertaken at any point once Sitting-in status has been attained. The Judging Assessment will take place once at least 6 Sittings in have been completed and the trainee is felt to be competent. All Show Judges must be fully paid up members of the Society.

  6. Championship Judge
  7. After a time when a Show Judge is considered to have “proved” themselves and has also undertaken all additional training and assessments that may have been requested of them by the committee, which have shown consistently good results, they may be considered for promotion to a Championship Judge by the Assessors which would be ratified by the EC. All Championship Judges must be fully paid up members of the Society. During their time as a Championship Judge, a member may be requested by the EC to undertake regular assessments and training; if these assessments are not attended as requested or results show more training is required then the Championship Judge may be demoted to a Show Judge until standards have been raised. Decision to promote or demote judges will always be made by the Assessors and ratified by the EC.

    If any Championship Judge lapses their membership, they will be reconsidered for the Judging Panel by the EC when they re-join. Any judges who do not judge varieties at either an NFRS show or an NFRS affiliated club show within a three-year period will be required to re-sit the Training Pack Assessment.

    In the event of a written complaint received by the EC in regard to a judge’s ability of conduct, the EC shall decide if the complaint is to be upheld and act according to the seriousness of the complaint. If any complaints made are deemed justified then the judge will be informed of the nature of the complaint, and the course of action that the EC deem appropriate, in writing.

    The judge has the right to appeal any decision made by the EC (see Rule 5).

  8. Championship Judge and Assessor
  9. In order to promote best practice in judging and to assess judging quality, a small number of Championship Judges will carry out formal assessments. Assessors are approved by the EC based on experience and ability to teach and communicate judging excellence. These judges will carry out all judging assessments. Should there be a need to add an Assessor, the choice to be decided by the remaining Assessors and agreed by the EC.

  10. NFRS stars can only be awarded by Show and Championship Judges. 3 star championship shows can only have 3 stars awarded when judged by Championship Judges.


  1. The eligibility of a kitten (under 14 weeks) shall be left solely in the hands of the officiating judge.
  2. A rat that has not won its breed class shall not be selected for Best in Show (BIS).
  3. A judge must restrict their nomination for BIS to exhibits in their own sections.
  4. In order to determine BIS, each judge shall bring out the best rat from each section they have judged. From these, the BIS shall be chosen. The exhibit gaining BIS shall automatically be awarded first in every class in which it is entered, except the Stud Buck class, the judging to take place before any duplicate classes are judged. The rat awarded Best Opposite Age (BOA) to the BIS shall automatically win any classes confined to its age, except those mentioned above.
  5. A Reserve Best in Show (RBIS) shall be awarded when second place in the Supreme Challenge is not BOA. This award shall carry the same number of points as BOA.
  6. An additional card shall be awarded at all NFRS shows for the following categories: Best Provisional Standard, Best Self, Best Marked, Best Russian, Best Shaded, Best AOV, Best Rex, Best Dumbo, Best Guide Standard, Best Stud Buck, Best Junior, Best Novice, Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show, Best Opposite Age, 3rd Supreme Challenge, 4th Supreme Challenge, Best Agility and Best Pet.
  7. Pet judges may choose; time permitting, at their discretion and with the agreement of the show secretary, to present additional awards.
  8. If a rat has been entered into a particular class, then it must be judged within the class it has been entered unless it is disqualified under the rules.
  9. It is preferable that the same judge may not officiate at more than one 3 star show per year.


  1. Variety stars are awarded by NFRS qualified judges to good examples of rats under the following conditions:
    1. At shows awarded NFRS star status whoever runs the show and where the show has at least 5 exhibitors and 15 exhibits, not including pets.
    2. At all supporting shows (self, marked etc) where the main show qualifies.
    3. To the best adult or kitten from any pair of variety classes e.g. Adult PEW and Kitten PEW, where the rat is of good quality.
    4. Additional stars can be awarded to the top 4 in the Supreme Challenge, BOA if not being awarded one by virtue of being in the top 4 and stud buck, if the judge thinks they are worthy of being awarded an additional star.
    5. Where a rat in the top 4 (and the BOA if not in the top 4) has not been awarded a variety star due to the opposite age rat of the variety already being awarded it, then the rat will be awarded the variety stars as well, provided it has been awarded an additional star. E.g. RBIS is the best Russian Blue but 4th in the Supreme Challenge also happens to be a Russian Blue, this rat will also be eligible for variety stars as well. If all of the rats in the Supreme Challenge were Russian Blues, then all would be eligible for variety stars.
  2. There will be three levels of show:
    • One star shows: this status is awarded to ordinary shows and shows held by affiliated clubs.
    • Two star shows: around one third of NFRS shows held in any one year shall be given two star status. The GSS shall try to ensure that these shows are shared equally throughout all regions of the UK currently holding NFRS shows. Affiliated clubs may also hold two star shows as per current affiliation show regulations.
    • Three star cup and championship shows.
  3. The owner of a rat winning a total of eight stars may apply to be awarded a Silver Star Variety Championship, twelve stars a Gold Star Variety Championship and sixteen stars a Platinum Star Variety Championship. At least two of the rat’s wins must have been as an adult and all of the rat’s wins must have been as the same variety. Wins must be under at least 2 NFRS qualified judges. Those claiming championships must be fully paid-up members.
  4. Star Sheet - A list of all star winners shall be compiled by the judge and show secretary at each starred show. This will be forwarded to the Standards Officer to enable verification of awards. A copy shall also be sent to the Accolades officer.
  5. No two separate starred shows will be awarded star status if held on the same weekend within a 75 mile radius. This includes affiliated club shows as below.
  6. All UK affiliated clubs may apply for star status for their shows providing:
    1. The show does not clash with any major cup show (i.e. Bradford, London and Scottish Championship Shows, Spring, Summer and Annual Cup Shows) or the NFRS AGM.
    2. They use NFRS standards and show schedule.
    3. They use NFRS Show or Championship Judges.

    All affiliated shows will normally be awarded one star status. However, two star status will be awarded for one show per year providing this show is expected to attract at least 40 exhibits (not to include Provisional Standards) and the club runs at least three other one star shows per year.

    Two star status may be awarded for two affiliated shows per year providing that the club runs six or more one star shows per year.

    The club applying for star status for their shows should do so by the published date in the previous year. This will normally be in the six months before the first one star show. Applications to be made initially to the EC.

    Any affiliated club wishing to award NFRS stars must hold at least one open show per year where NFRS stars are offered. This must be advertised in Pro-Rat-a and entry must be open to all members of the NFRS.

    Where an area or other affiliated club has expelled an NFRS member, that member should not have the automatic right to show at the affiliated club’s open star shows. Where the affiliated club objects to the said member showing then the club shall have right of appeal to the NFRS committee. This should be done at the time of application for stars.


  1. The Pet Awards Scheme Co-ordinator (PASC) is responsible for:
    1. Appointing a pet steward for each NFRS show (see b).
    2. Collating awards sheets, administrating scheme and presenting awards at the AGM.
    3. Co-ordinating agility/fun events where required.
  2. Pet Stewards
    1. The show secretary will prepare the paperwork as normal prior to the day. On the day the show secretary will pass all prepared critiques, cards, paperwork and results slips etc. to the Pet Steward.
    2. Pet Steward will steward for the Pet Judge on the day or in an emergency delegate someone to do this, but be on hand to co-ordinate.
    3. Pet Steward will complete all the pet show paperwork and rosettes on the day and sort out the presentation of the pet awards.
    4. Pet Steward will, if required, also either run the agility or delegate someone to run it, arrange for an agility set to be at the show and complete all associated paperwork and rosettes.
    5. Pet Steward will return completed Awards sheets for pets to the show secretary to return to the PASC.
  3. Pet Championship – this will be worked out using a points system.
    1. Pet points will be awarded automatically to all rats placing 1st-4th in the supreme pet challenge. Rats winning a pet class that have not placed in the supreme pet challenge may be awarded points at the judge’s discretion. Best pet also wins 1 additional point.
    2. The Pet Steward and judge will already know how many points are to be awarded by the status of the show (i.e. 3 star variety shows will award 3 points in the pet classes).
    3. The Pet Points sheet will be completed at the show and returned to the PASC.
    4. As per the star award system, if a rat gains 5 points = silver pet champion, 10 = gold pet champion, 15 = platinum pet champion.
    5. An extra point will be awarded for Best Pet in Show regardless of the star status of the show.
    6. Pet Champions will be claimed as directed by the PASC in time for awarding at the next AGM.


On application to the Standards Officer, a Show Championship Certificate will be issued at the next AGM to a member owning a rat that has fulfilled the following conditions:

  1. Has won BIS awards not fewer than three times, under at least two different judges with exhibits totalling 15 or more rats from at least five exhibitors in the varieties section. The minimum total exhibits/exhibitors does not apply to supporting shows as long as the main show has reached the stated criteria.
  2. Or has won BOA/RBIS awards not fewer than five times.
  3. Or has won two BIS awards and two BOA/RBIS awards.
  4. Or has won four BOA/RBIS and one BIS.
  5. A rat gaining the title “Show Champion” twice shall qualify to hold the title “Supreme Show Champion”.
  6. Qualifying shows must be judged to the official standards and under the Rules of the NFRS. These can be any NFRS affiliated club show providing the NFRS judge agrees in writing (or logo stamped on card) that the rat is of suitable quality.


  1. Six cup shows shall be held each year which shall be: the Bradford Championship Show, the Spring, Summer and Annual Cup Shows, Scottish Championship Show and the London Championship Show.
  2. The Spring Cup Show shall be held at a suitable venue in April or May.
  3. The Summer Cup Show shall be held at a suitable venue in June or July.
  4. The Scottish Championship Show shall be held at a suitable venue in August or September (unless held as part of a pre-existing event) and can be held jointly with a Scottish Regional Club.
  5. The Annual Cup Show shall be held at a suitable venue in November or December.
  6. The EC will arbitrate on all matters pertaining to these events.


  1. Winners of trophies shall sign a receipt for the trophy(ies), a copy of which shall be retained by the officiating show secretary and forwarded to the cup secretary. NFRS trophies will not be awarded to non-members unless where the winner is a child under six (who cannot be a member) of a fully paid up member of the club.
  2. All trophies shall be returned to the cup secretary upon written request and, in any case, not later than 14 days before they are to be offered for competition, unless being returned at the show itself.
  3. Any member failing to return trophies shall be suspended until such time as the trophy(ies) are returned as per Rule 5(c).
  4. Certificates to commemorate cup wins will be issued at the next AGM.


  1. The judge’s decision regarding the placing or awards given to any exhibit is final.
  2. The eligibility of an exhibit, except on the grounds of age, may only be challenged by another member on the grounds that would not be known to the judge. Any challenge must be made in writing to the EC and the matter will be investigated as soon as possible.
  3. If any complaints made are deemed justified then the member will be informed of the nature of the complaint and the course of action that the EC deem appropriate in writing.

    The member has the right to appeal any decision made by the EC (see Rule 5).

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