To be as white as possible, devoid of creamy tinge or staining. Eyes pink.
To resemble champagne silk, with no suggestion of dullness or greyness. Eyes Red.
To be an even, warm magnolia with no sign of dullness or greyness. Belly colour to match top. Eyes to be dark ruby to black.
To be an even and bright shade of pale grey with a distinct ice-blue hue, with no suggestion of creamy, brownish or strong blue tones. Belly colour to match top. Feet pale grey. Eye colour red to ruby.
To be an even and bright shade of blue grey with no suggestion of icy, creamy or brownish tones. Should be distinctly different to the icy blue tone of the platinum rat and the pale dove of the powder blue. Undercolour light blue to the skin. Belly colour to match top. Feet grey, eye colour mid to dark ruby.
To be a deep steel blue without any brown colouration. Colour to be even with the belly colour matching the top. The colour of the fur when parted to be blue grey down to the skin. Foot colour to match top, Eye colour black.
To be a deep solid black, devoid of dinginess and white hairs or patches. Base fur to be black. Foot colour to match top. Eyes black.
To be a deep, rich chocolate, as even as possible, devoid of any dinginess and white hairs or patches. Foot colour to match top. Eyes black.
To be an even mid-grey brown, devoid of dinginess, silvering or patches and having a distinct bluish sheen. Foot colour to match top. Eyes black.
Body colour to be very pale creamy white all over with no odd coloured hairs or patches. The exception is the skin on the underside of the scrotum which is normally greyish black, rarely flesh coloured. Tail pink. Ears usually covered with pale grey fur, rarely flesh covered. Eyes Black.
A pinky dove grey throughout, from tips of fur to skin, bluish tinge a fault. Foot and belly colour to match top. Ears and tail to be covered with grey hairs. Eyes very dark ruby or black.